How life turns from yellow to red, balck to blue, orange to cyan and pink to brown are so complicated. Understanding people's thoughts not easy job though through the experience that seemingly will not suffice. Listening to the very bit of Dream Theater 'Pull me under' so bring me into the state that i should not bother about people around me. Just focus on me myself. Last night i suddenly remember the good old song that i used to listen at the same time my emak like it too. She just could not bother to understand the lyrics and the song itself but somehow the melody and the sound of the song was so good (Roxette - it must have been love but it is over now). the song flew over the ceiling and swirling near my ears. I just play it within my head thus none of my housemates would care. Take the time by Dream Theater has got me into thining of the first reason i leave the lovely hometown just to com to KL for better pay but then again just look what happened to my previous workplace. Just bunch of people taking advantage for of other peolpe who could not help themselves but to stay. Luckily some of them manage to trouble themselves just to find what other peole would seek. I js cannot imagine such place can be good spot for people to intentionally misuse the power granted to them with so-called Islamic by their saying. I curse such people for neglecting their responsiblity to workmate and student. shame on them. i can feel the rush of hot blod into my vein once i recall back all those memory. I hate them.
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