Preampling the the interest to write

Seeing other people write their daily stuffs would have triggered me to write on anything. Since this place is new to  me, i rather slowly study how things go aorund. Not so interesting life though but just to fulfil the need to sharpen my skill on writing. I take it as nobody wil read this, this is the place for me to vormit all those petty larceny, nausea stuff and whatnot. I just do not know how people would have so good writing skill regardless of their background. i have seen people come from various background yet again, their writings are so thoughful. the ideas is so wonderful, idealistic and clear. some peole would play their puzzle in the middle of their writing and it is great dont you think?
 i start to believe that 'mata pena lagi tajam dari mata pedang'( excuse me please). the image of a text could trigger a war is only the surface but what I was saying that the alphabets, phrase, sentence and text can change the thought, motivte peope and many more. WOW ( i can change the world- eric clapton). i just hope this is only for closed fraternity in which it is just me to know and read my writing back. Some would be friends and close kamcing colleage.
first and foremost, please excuse certain words that might hod some censorship on public use. it is not that i always swear and curse but dont forget that this is the place i throw the head burden and everything.

Thats all i guess. Later then.
